SCHOOL writing corner

Friday, December 30, 2005


Crossways is a quiet town. Crossways is a sleepy town. The people wear black hats. The women wear round black hats. The men wear tall black hats. The girls wear square black hats and the boys wear flat black hats. In the afternoon the people are sleeping and suddenly they listen to a loud noise. A small boy walks beating his drum. He walks in front of a donkey. The donkey pulls a cart. A man is sitting on the cart. Above his head there is a notice. It says haircut in all styles and colours, one dollar”. The people shout and cheer. They throw their hats into the air. The small boy picks up all the hats and he puts them into a large bag. A young man climbs up the cart and the barber cuts his hair. Now the hair of the women is blue. The men’s hair is green. The girls’ hair is red and the boys’ hair is yellow. But next day everybody is bald! They are very angry. They want back their hats. They need and miss their black hats. Then, a young boy appears in the town. He blows a trumpet and a donkey pulls a cart full of hats. A man is sitting on the cart. He sells hats for only two dollars. The hats are all shapes and sizes. The people buy their own hats and they are happy again.

Segon d' E.S.O.


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