I listen to the alarm clock at seven o'clock. I wake up and I get up at half past seven. Then I go to the toilet and I have a shower. After that I go to the kitchen and I say "good morning" to my mum and I kiss her. I have breakfast. I eat some biscuits and I drink a glass of milk. Next I go to the bathroom and I brush my teeth. Then I make my bed and I tidy my room. I also dress up and I prepare my schoolbag. I say "goodbye" and I go to school with my friends. We walk on foot and we talk about school, sports, music... Finally we arrive to the classroom and the lessons start.
All class did it.

It's twenty five past eight. After saying "good morning" to everybody, I go to my chair and my table. I sit on my chair and I prepare my material. After that I listen to the teacher and I correct the exercises. When the lesson finishes I talk with my partners. Then another lesson starts because the teacher is in class and it is the history lesson, we open our books and notebooks and we do what the teacher says. It's time to go to the playground. I love going to the playground. I usually stay in the playground with my friends. I have my snack and I drink a juice. After that I have a Catalan lesson and a free Credit. My free Credit is Physical Education. I love P.E. Finally, the lessons finish and I go back home on foot with my friends. We talk and laugh all the way.
Alba, 13 years.

When I arrive at home after the school lessons at noon I say "hello" to my mum and I kiss her. I go to my room and I do my homework. My mother says "we are going to have lunch". I go to the kitchen. I eat with my mother and my sister, too. I help to my mother to clear the table. Then I prepare my schoolbag. I go to the diningroom and I put on my anorak. I look at my watch, " it's late!" I say "goodbye" and I go to school on foot. When I arrive to the school, I go into my class and I say "good afternoon" to everybody. Then I sit down. I take out my books and I listen to my teacher of English. When the lesson ends, I stand up and I talk with my friends while next teacher comes. After the lesson at half past five I go back home on foot, again. I enter to my house and I say "hello!". I take off my anorak. I go to my room and I leave my schoolbag on my bed. Finally I go to the kitchen. I take my snack and then I eat it.
Angela, 13 years.
After having a snack and watching TV. I do my homework for next days

Irina, 13 years.
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